Michigan Elementary Education Certification (ZG) Michigan Early Childhood Endorsement (ZS)
Michigan Mathematics Certification (EX) Adult and Child CPR and First Aid Training
Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI May 2016-Present
College of Education | Teacher Certification
Completed 24 graduate credits of master’s degree in teaching and curriculum: mathematics and science
Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI May 2015 Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education: ZS Endorsement
3.93/4.0 | Urban Education Cohort Program | Honors College/ Dean’s List
Teacher | Grade: 5 Aug. 2016-Present
Arrowwood Elementary | Saginaw, MI
Independently Educated 33-35 students in my homeroom class
Designed and implemented developmentally appropriate units in all subject areas
Participated in weekly grade level and mentor meetings to discuss curriculum and behavior across our grade level
Assessed student success using formative and summative assessments
Created and communicated daily learning targets to all students
Utilized student data to guide Multi Tiered System of Support (MTSS) groupings and teaching
Implemented Great Expectations into my classroom community and content
Coordinated annual chocolate fundraiser and end of the year trip to the Detroit Zoo
Communicated with parents weekly about student academics, behavior and classroom updates
Recipient of 5 community grants written to help meet the needs of my diverse classroom learners
Collaborated with other staff members to supervise math night, reading night, student lock-ins, homecoming float building and parade walk, and Arrowquest
Established a positive rapport with students by supporting them in their extra-curricular activities
Facilitated parent teacher conference bi-annually to monitor student progress and behavior
Partnered with MSU and UVA as a participant in a research study
Collaborated with special education teachers to discuss how to meet students’ goals and objectives in accordance with their IEPs and 504 plans
Summer School Teacher | Grade: K July 2016-Aug.2016
Saginaw Township Community Schools | Saginaw, MI
Constructed developmentally appropriate units in math and reading for at-risk students
Monitored student progress and assessed student success each week
Communicated with parents about students’ strengths and weaknesses
Teaching Intern | Grade: 4 Aug. 2015-May 2016
Mt. Hope STEAM | Lansing, MI
Independently planned and implemented developmentally appropriate units in all subject areas
Participated in co-planning and co-teaching with mentor teacher to develop and implement both instructional content and behavioral expectations in accordance with grade level standards
Evaluated and assessed student learning using multiple forms of formal and informal assessments
Communicated students’ academic and behavioral achievements and goals through parent-teacher conferences
Collaborated in weekly professional development sessions
Implemented an individual and whole class classroom management system
Contributed to the life of the school: organized a class field trip and a school wide anti-bullying assembly, and coordinated after school tutoring and a school volleyball team
Early Childhood Intern | Ages: 2-4 May 2014-July 2014
Michigan State University Child Development Laboratories | East Lansing, MI
Effectively managed a classroom of 18, two and a half to four year old children
Designed a teacher research project linking recycled materials to sensory experiences and presented to colleagues
Planned developmentally appropriate curriculum and assessed children’s growth and development resulting in individual portfolios communicated at family/teacher conferences
Facilitated family engagement through weekly newsletters and daily communication with families
Coordinated lessons for student's IEP’s through collaborating with ancillary staff including Special Education Teacher Consultant, Speech Therapist, and Occupational Therapist
Collaborated with colleagues to plan and implement a school wide family event
Educated a diverse group of children enrolled through Head Start, Great Start Readiness Program, Early Childhood Special Education and tuition qualifications within the classroom
Co-Chair Advisor | Sunshine Committee July 2017- Present
Arrowwood Elementary School | Saginaw, MI
Enriched staff lounge to create a place that is both welcoming and uplifting
Implemented monthly moral boosters for all staff members
Coordinated bi-monthly events to enhance staff relationships
Addressed and informed the staff in the event of major life changes with other staff members
Collaborated with the PTO to find new ways to give back to the staff
Tutor | Grade: 3-5 Nov. 2016- Present
Saginaw Township Community Schools | Saginaw, MI
Evaluated student knowledge to identify areas of improvement
Compiled individual developmentally appropriate lessons to meet each student’s needs
Corresponded with parents weekly to discuss progress and plans of action
Communicated with homeroom teachers about students’ knowledge and growth
Administered and scored classroom quizzes and tests
Michigan Model Health April 2017 Great Expectations Nov. 2016
Math in Focus Oct. 2016-Mar.2017
New Teacher Academy Sept. 2016-May 2017
Pivot 5 Dimensions Aug. 2016
Go Math! Feb. 2016
Discovery Education Sept. 2015-Jan. 2016
CHAMPS Aug. 2015
Proficient in Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint | Elmo Projector | SmartBoards | iPads | Google Drive | Google Classroom | Seesaw | Coding | PALS | Read Theory | DRA2 | Discovery Education | Mystery Science